Asked Questions
Is the amount we pay reduced for holidays and
vacations? How about sick days or bad weather?
Regarding prorated tuition when days are missed, please understand that
our operation is based on a full-day, full-year concept. We do not
charge by the hour or by the day, but by the month. Because holidays
are not distributed evenly over the days of the week throughout the
year, some families will experience more closures on their chosen days
than others. Likewise, if they take a family trip or if their child is
We make our monthly charge structure clear in our contracts right from the beginning. All families pay for each full month their child is enrolled. (The only exceptions are when a family, by prior agreement with us, starts or withdraws mid-month.)
We simply can't make custom arrangements for billing each family based on how holidays, snow days, family vacations or ill days affect their particular schedules. Keep in mind also that our staff are on site every day that we are open and they work very hard.
We do not operate like a retail store or restaurant that sends staff home if customers don't come. We give our regular employees paid holidays off, paid personal days, a week of paid vacation in July and another at Christmas time. They are paid for snow days. This is an important benefit to them that we could not provide if our revenue stopped during holidays or when children are absent.
We will always try to be as flexible as we can on whatever matter, but hopefully you will see that we can't make special pro-rating arrangements with any family.
Do the children go out in all types of
We believe that children should be prepared to go outdoors in all
weather, so we ask parents to please send appropriate outdoor wear. The
only exception to outdoor play is inclement weather. Heart and Hands
Montessori will follow the guidelines posted on the Child Care Weather
Watch page. In general, children can comfortably play outdoors between
20 degrees with little wind to 90 degrees with low humidity.
Children are expected to have sunscreen permission forms and to use sunscreen throughout the year. Since we go outside in all types of weather, each child needs weather appropriate clothing including suitable hats, jackets, gloves and boots. If the weather is too hot or too cold the children will participate in large motor activities within the center.
How to track my child's whereabouts
throughout the day?
Teachers will notify the Center Office when children leave on trail
walks or stroller rides. Teachers are required to travel with a cell
phone. Parents must sign in and out each child each day in the
What is your policy on discipline?
At Heart and Hands Montessori we believe that children are young
learners and behavior follows understanding of what is correct and what
is not. Adults inform the children of acceptable behavior standards and
follow through with reminders. It may take many, many reminders.
If children continue to repeat behaviors that disturb or hurt others, the child may be removed from the situation and taken to another location within the classroom. The child may only remain in this other location for a developmentally appropriate time and may return to the group when his or her behavior does not hurt or disturb others. This type of removal is brief, and disciplinary action such as this will never be associated with food, rest or toileting.
How do I know if my child is too ill to go to
school? What happens if my child gets sick during the day? What about
scrapes and falls?
According to state guidelines, illness is defined as: 99 degrees of
temperature taken auxiliary (under the arm or on the temple) plus one of
the following:
1. severe cough
2. sore throat
3. sneezing
4. discharge that cannot be contained
5. skin rash
6. lethargy
Also: conjunctivitis, lice, ringworm, skin lesions and open sores, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or seizures.
If a child exhibits one of these symptoms (#1-6), and the teachers observes that the condition is not improving after an hour or two, the teacher notifies the parents and asks the parents to pick up the child within 40 minutes.
For illness, accidents and injuries, the teachers are required to fill out a report, ask the parent to sign the report upon pickup, and make a copy for the office to read and put in the child's records. For any accident or injury involving the head, face or eye, the parent should be contacted and the injury described. The parent can make the decision to pick up the child and get the injury looked at by a medical person.
Do you practice fire drills?
Yes, each month we practice fire drills, we
practice tornado drills twice per year, lockdown and evacuation drills annually.
What are classroom ratios?
The Colorado ratio for infants and toddlers is 1 adult to 5 children. However at
H&H we staff for 1:4 at a minimum for both infants and toddlers, which is the Montessori recommendation. We strive for a 1:3 ratio for infants during the busiest
times of the day.
What do you usually do for birthdays?
Birthdays at H & H are more typically a celebration of the child's
time on earth than a time for cake and gifts. During class time teachers
and friends may sing, "Happy Birthday" and share photos of the child
from birth onwards. Parents often give a brief story of the day of birth
and other memorable moments. Birthday children may choose to give a gift
to the class such as a plant, book or a music CD.
What can I do at home to support my child's
Parents can also observe their children and find ways to support their
child's interests and abilities. Try to include your child by setting
aside space in common areas for their activities. Set aside as much time
as you can to be with your child in a leisurely way and not distracted
by schedules or media.
Talk, read and play with your child each day. Let your child know what is next on the schedule and let him or her participate whenever possible. Enjoy these precious years as they pass rapidly! Give yourself the chance to spend quality time with your young one and support his interests and development.
Updated - April 8, 2019